Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Time is a Non-Renewable Resource

The changing seasons got me thinking... for each year, there's one spring.  One summer.  One fall, one winter.  At most, I'll probably live eighty- or ninety-someodd years.  Living in New England has given me a new appreciation for spring and summer, and I've already let pass about a third of all the ones I'll ever see.  That should probably spur me into my various projects with renewed vigor, but all it does is depress me.

On a lighter note, I'm envious of all the herbs growing around where I work.  There's a big patch of broadleaf plantain, yarrow, ground cherry, Queen Anne's lace, lamb's quarters, mullein, skullcap... but I don't dare use any of it, because I work at a garage.  Going to see if I can harvest some seeds, maybe, and get some of this stuff growing around the house.  Not with my luck with seeds, but maybe I can disperse them and cross my fingers.  Of course, even if they grow they won't necessarily do me any good.  A lot of those I have growing in our yard already, but my husband mows them down!  Need to get better at cultivating, so I can transplant and have them all in a little plot to mark off limits to the mower.

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